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Flourish Collection (right handed)

0% Complete
0/0 Steps
  1. crochet kits
  2. Q & A
    2 Steps
  3. get help
  4. crochet pattern and chart

    pattern: view, download & print
  5. chart: view, download & print
  6. before starting
    keep it simple - standard patterns
    12 Steps
  7. be adventurous - customise the pattern
    6 Steps
  8. print the progress worksheet
    13 Steps
  9. let's crochet - right handed video tutorials
    how to use this pattern & online course
  10. practice piece
    12 Steps
  11. flourish calculator (optional)
  12. crochet, with a flourish
    10 Steps
  13. blocking
    2 Steps
  14. join the squares (optional)
    3 Steps
Part Progress
0% Complete

Add a simple border of slip stitches around the outside of Flourish:

  • start: at a corner
  • along the sides: crochet 2 slip stitches at the end of each row, putting the hook under a single loop for each stitch
  • at the corners: do a chain to change direction
  • along the first and last border: crochet a slip stitch into each stitch
  • end: do the last slip stitch on the other side of the starting corner, cut the yarn and pull out the loop, use a darning needle to create a loop around the base of the first slip stitch (so it looks like a chain stitch)